Management / Guardhouse Contact
MMI of the Palm Beaches, Inc.
11770 US Hwy. 1, Ste. 501
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408
Direct: 561-904-3880
Office: 561-686-7818 x202
Fax: 561-686-7284 Email: gvillamizar@miamimanagement.com
GUARDHOUSE: (561) 691-1670
Estoppel Requests
Estoppel requests can be made through our property management company. When completing the online form, please reflect "San Michele Homeowners Association" as the association name.
Please submit request through this link:
New Resident Applications
New resident applications can be requested by emailing our property management company at Nryanmbattles@miamimanagement.com
Access to Frontsteps, the community portal, is available by contacting mbattles@miamimanagement.com. Used for Community bulletins and information.
Utility Services
Electric Service: Florida Power & Light - (800) 226-3545
Water Service: Seacoast Utilities - (561) 627-2920
Gas Service: Teco Peoples Gas (877) 832-6747
Comcast Cable: (800) 934-6489
Vehicle decal access tag
Each new resident is entitled to two (2) free vehicle devices in order to use the automated resident access gate. Additional or replacement vehicles decals after the initial two free cost $50.
Architectural Review
All exterior changes to homes, including painting, and adding or removing any landscaping must be approved in advance by the Architectural Control Board (ACB). Application forms are available on the San Michele Resident Portal, obtained directly from our Property Manager or downloaded from the Resident page of this website. Member accounts must be current and in good standing prior to submitting a architectural request for review.
(see HOA Docs on Resident Portal for complete HOA Bylaws, rules & regulations, etc)
RV, Boat, Boat Trailers, Horse Trailers, and Commercial vehicle parking is prohibited.
No signs permitted
No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind, except for common household pets, such as dogs, birds and cats shall be permitted on the Property at any time.
Whenever a pet is outdoors, its Owner shall keep the pet on a leash and restrained. Additionally, each Owner shall be responsible to promptly pick up and properly discard all waste from his or her pets.
HOA Dues include:
24 Hour / 7 days a week on site armed Security
Access Control at Front Gates & Fitness Center
Clubhouse / Fitness Center / Pool Equipment and Janitorial Services
Common Area Landscaping & Maintenance
HAR-TRU Tennis Court maintenance
Property Management
Association Dues / Capital Contributions
Association Dues: effective January 1, 2024 - $1,958 paid quarterly ($7,832 annual)
(due in advance on Jan 1st, Apr 1st, Jul 1st, and Oct 1st).
Capital Contribution: a one time capital contribution equivalent to 2 (two) quarter Association dues on all changes in ownership (effective May 15, 2019).
San Michele Images available to Realtors
Images of San Michele are available to Realtors free of charge by accessing via the following link. The password to download the images is “SanMichele2018”:
Garbage and Recyclying
Garbage pickup: Monday & Thursday
Yard & Bulk Waste pickup: Thursday
Recycling pickup: Thursday - for recycling bins call Waste Management (561) 547-4000
No pick up Thanksgiving or Christmas
Fitness Center / Clubhouse
In order to get access to the Clubhouse and Fitness Center, a resident is required to obtain a Key Fob. Each Key Fob costs $50. A Key Fob Request form can be downloaded from the Resident Page of this website.
Contractor & Realty Access
Contractors access within the gates of San Michele are limited to Monday through Saturday, from 8 a.m. through 6 p.m. There will be no admission to contractors (whether working inside or outside your home) on Sundays and the specific Holidays noted below, or outside of the permitted times unless under emergency situations (plumbing or electrical emergency for example) or for Hurricane preparation. The contractor access rule DOES NOT apply to package delivery services such as UPS, FedEx, USPS. Other small/routed delivery services such Florists, Food, Laundry and Water as well as Taxi/Limo services will be permitted any day/time if authorized by the resident. Furniture and large deliveries are not permitted on a Sunday /Holiday list noted. Moving companies need to be arranged ahead of time with the guardhouse. Also, guards will make every attempt to allow medical supplies and medicine deliveries into the community any day/time of the week if authorized by the resident.
Holidays in which the Contractor access rules apply:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day (4th of July)
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
​Realty Access – Access to San Michele for viewing is only allowed when accompanied by a licensed realtor. Per the Bylaws, no For Sale or Open House signs are to be posted on San Michele Property, which includes Central Avenue.